MAU (Macleod Maternity Assessment Unit)
What we offer
The Maternity Assessment Unit (MAU) is located on Delivery Suite and has a dedicated phone line to give pregnancy specific advice and support for urgent concerns that cannot be dealt with via CallEEAST or with your community midwife. Urgent appointments/assessments are available 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week.
The unit consists of a bay of four couches, a rapid assessment room and a private room.
The MAU also provides appointments which offer assessments and tests to those with certain risk factors in their pregnancy. This may include electronic fetal heartrate monitoring, ongoing blood tests, medication or other pregnancy procedures.
Those choosing to give birth on Delivery Suite should call the MAU in labour for advice and will usually be seen by MAU to confirm their labour and arrange admission to Delivery Suite. There are usually three midwives, a midwifery care assistant and access to doctors on the MAU.
How do I make this choice?
MAU provides care to those over 18 weeks pregnant. You can self-refer directly with urgent concerns on the number below. A midwife will speak to you and ask some questions. You will be given advice or asked attend MAU.
Please call if you have any of the following concerns:
- you think you are in labour (if you are over 37+0 weeks and planning on birthing on the Midwifery-Led Birthing Unit (MLBU) please call MLBU on 01603 288260).
- you have abdominal pain.
- you think your waters have broken.
- you are 26+0 weeks or more and have reduced or changed fetal movements (if you are 22+0 to 25+6 weeks please call CallEEAST on 01603 481222).
- you have vaginal bleeding.
- you have itching in pregnancy and are 39+0 weeks or over (if you are less than 39 weeks pregnant please call CallEEAST on 01603 481222).
- you have symptoms of high blood pressure such as a moderate to severe headache, problems with your vision or if you are feeling unwell.
- you have urgent concerns.
Please do not wait until the next day to seek help, especially if the pattern of your baby’s movements have changed or reduced. If your baby’s movements are reduced, we may listen to your baby’s heartbeat with a handheld doppler in the community or on MAU with a CTG machine. This will depend on how many weeks pregnant you are and based on your individual need.
You may also be given an appointment on MAU following a visit to antenatal clinic, via a referral from your community midwife, GP, Obstetrician or following a diagnosis in pregnancy.
The MAU is located on Delivery Suite on Level 3, West Block, NNUH. The nearest car park is car park M,N,O.
Entry to the ward is via the patient bell at the main Delivery Suite door.
Contact details
There are two contact numbers, these are manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
01603 287328 and 01603 287329