Health Ambassadors
Could you be a Health Ambassador?
Health Ambassadors act as role models to young people, offering them the chance to find out as much as possible about jobs and professions in healthcare. As an ambassador you will be involved in a programme of working with local schools and colleges. This may include:
- Offering guidance and advice on the health industry and its many and varied career opportunities at a careers session
- Helping to facilitate workshops and work experience programmes and possibly becoming a mentor if you have the skills and interest
- Attend careers events both internal and external to the Trust
- Giving presentations in a school setting with groups of students on health and social care courses
The average time involvement would be one or two events in the year.
What is a Health Ambassador?
A Health Ambassador is a qualified and experienced health worker who is willing to inspire and encourage young people to think about a career and educational opportunities in healthcare.
They have enthusiasm, commitment, confidence, the ability to identify with young people, a passion for their work and a wish to inspire others to achieve their full potential
For further information contact:
Clare Fox, Career Facilitator, Telephone: 01603 286843