Keeping families updated on inpatient wards

We have been deploying a number of temporary Family Liaison Officers (FLOs) across our adult inpatient wards to provide a vital link between families and patients.

Family Liaison Officers are ward-based and are helping patients, families and staff by answering and making calls with families, enabling Skype and other ways to keep in touch, as well as welcoming and supporting patients’ visitors.

Prior to a relaxation of visiting restrictions, our FLOs were making more than 700 calls a month to families.

Following the reintroduction of visiting, FLOs now greet and make visitors comfortable and they continue to make calls and facilitate communication for those patients without visitors.

Karen Smith has been a FLO on Dunston and Brundall wards since March after 24 years working in administration for a hotel.

“It is a really lovely role and I get to chat with the patients, and relatives are very grateful to get updates because some live a long way away. I cannot give medical information to them, but having a chat with them and setting up a call with their family makes such a difference,” said Karen.

“If no one is on the reception desk, I’ll also answer the phone and make myself as helpful as possible.”

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