Additional visiting guidance

From 23 December, we will be running a three-month trial on expanded visiting times from 8am to 8pm.

Visitors are expected NOT to visit if they’ve tested positive for Covid or have any symptoms of Covid, cold, flu, norovirus, diarrhoea, vomiting etc

Whilst we know that you would like to visit your family or friends, please can we ask for our patients’ and staff wellbeing that you do not visit if you are suffering from a cold or flu-like symptoms or have had diarrhoea or sickness in the last 48 hours as we do not want to spread any infections that may cause a delay to your relative or loved one leaving the hospital.

Please can we also remind you of the importance of handwashing when you do visit the hospital.

Extra flexibility continues to be allowed for end-of-life patients and for carers when visiting on adult in-patient wards.

Under 12s may be welcome with the agreement of the ward manager.

The expectation of visitors in the Visitors’ Charter is that they will keep to the limit of two people per bedside, respect patient privacy during ward rounds, avoid interrupting nurses during drug rounds, ask the ward manager before bringing children to visit, and avoid visiting if they have cold or flu like symptoms or have had diarrhoea or sickness in the last 48 hours.

Visitors' Charter


Family/Unpaid Carers

  • People may come with the Norfolk Carer Identity Passport or may have/be offered a NNUH Carers Passport and, if appropriate, a Carer’s Contract to support open visiting or agreed times to be on the wards


  • Two birth partners allowed for Delivery Suite and the Midwifery Led Birthing Unit
  • One birth supporter can remain on the ward to support overnight. Adult visiting between 3pm and 6pm. Siblings welcome during these visiting hours also. No other children are permitted on the ward. 2 visitors per bed space during this time.
  • Ward quiet time is between 1pm and 3pm. There are to be no supporters or visitors on the ward during this time. If the partner leaves the ward after 9.30pm, re entry will not be permitted until 7.30am unless you are visiting a baby on NICU.
  • Birth partner or supporters can attend all community midwifery antenatal and postnatal clinic appointments.
  • One support person may attend for hospital appointments. For example, Maternity Assessment Unit and Antenatal Clinic.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Open visiting for parents. Additional family visiting from 4-6pm but a maximum of two visitors at the bedside at any one time (including parents). Siblings are able to visit if discussions with the unit team have been had.

Children’s ED and Children’s Assessment Unit (Coltishall Ward)

A maximum of two adults can accompany each child. Siblings are able to attend in exceptional circumstances only.

Buxton and Children’s Day Ward 

Open visiting with a maximum of two parents/carers/ visitors at the bedside at any one time. One parent/carer is able to be resident overnight. All visitors including siblings, bar the resident parent/carer, are able to visit between 10am to 7.30pm, there may be exceptional circumstances where this is flexible and decided by the nurse in charge.

Critical care

  • 2pm – 7.30pm (no booking required). Two visitors per patient – next of kin and immediate family only.  Virtual Visits will be facilitated for those patients or relatives who are Covid positive.
  • Keeping in touch options and virtual support also remain in place
  • Virtual Visiting – each ward has an iPad for use for Skype. Wards also have portable phones.
  • PALS provides a service to ensure patients receive best wishes messages from their family and friends. Messages can be emailed to PALS to forward to the ward the next working day:

Emergency and outpatient appointments

  • Outpatients: patients are encouraged to attend alone. If patient has been advised to be accompanied via letter, have additional needs or feel they would benefit from support, they may be accompanied.
  • Emergency Department: encouraged to attend alone. If the patients has additional needs, they may be accompanied, this remains at the discretion of the nurse in charge

Keeping in touch options and virtual support also remain in place

Virtual Visiting – each ward has an iPad for use for Skype – see Standard Operating Procedure for use of Skype, ATouchaway and vCreate for Virtual Visiting During COVID-19 (Trust Docs ID: 17336). Wards also have portable phones.

PALS Best Wishes Messages to Loved Ones – PALS provides a service to ensure patients receive Best Wishes messages from their family and friends as quickly as possible. Messages can be sent to PALS by email to forward to the ward the next working day:

Ukrainian refugees

Healthwatch Norfolk has published translated information for Ukrainian refugees about using NHS services.