Specific Uses
NHS Patient Survey Programme: Your contact information may be used for the purpose of the NHS Patient Survey Programme and that, where relevant, will include passing those data to an approved contractor. Reports that will not identify you will be produced by the Survey Programme and will be used to help make service improvements. You have the right to opt-out of taking part in the survey programme.
Major incidents: Your data may be shared with the government for emergency response or recovery purposes unless to do so involves disproportionate effort.
Contacting you: When you attend the Trust for an outpatient appointment or a procedure you may be asked to confirm that the Trust has an accurate contact telephone number for you. This can be used to provide appointment reminders via text messages, automated calls and person to person calls to advise you of appointment times.
Some of this information is held centrally within the Trust, but where this is used for statistical purposes rigorous measures are taken to ensure that individual service users cannot be identified. Anonymous statistical information may also be passed to organisations with a legitimate interest, including Universities and Research Institutions.
Where it is not possible to use anonymised information, personally identifiable information may be used for essential NHS purposes. They may include research and auditing services. This will only be done with your consent, and/or the consent of your carer or next of kin, unless the law requires information to be passed on to improve public health.