Medical Staffing


The Medical Staffing department exists to ensure that the Trust has the necessary medical personnel in post to provide a clinical service to our patients. The main responsibilities of the department are to:

  • Ensure posts remain filled with medical staff and recruited in line with current legislative requirements for the appointment of medical staff
  • Obtain, where possible, locum staff to meet any gaps due to annual leave, sickness, vacant posts, special leave or any other type of unplanned absence
  • Ensure doctors rotas and working practices comply with legal limits on resident doctors hours
  • Ensure medical and dental terms and conditions of service are adhered to along with Trust local agreements
  • Facilitate changes to medical manpower establishment, in partnership with directorates

As a department, we must be aware of the implications of employment law and the impact of national and EU regulations as we increasingly draw our staff from overseas, and the regulations regarding the employment of doctors from non-EU countries, for example; applying for work permits and giving advice on visas and using the appropriate and current Home Office guidance.

It is imperative that as a department we are aware of the external influences, which affect our role. Failure to be aware of, for example the correct GMC registration procedures and equal opportunities legislation could result in financial penalties for the Trust if a case was brought by a patient against an inappropriately or un-registered doctor, or if we were found guilty of racial or sexual discrimination in our procedures.

  • NHS Employers

The Medical Staffing department manages the recruitment and administration of all senior and junior medical staff, for all specialties in the Trust, visit and  NHS Careers  for all available jobs within the Trust.

Locum Cover

The day to day activities of the department is providing a system to enable all departments to follow good practice in the provision of providing locum staff, for long term and short-term cover for all grades of medical staff. Medical Staffing is responsible for working with respective specialties to create, implement and maintain EWTD/New Deal compliant rotas.

Hospital at Night

The NNUH provides patient care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week / 365 days a year and ‘Hospital at Night’ re-defines how clinical cover and care is provided in the ‘out of hours’ period. The concept utilises one or more multidisciplinary teams to provide that care/cover, and is a move from cover defined by professional group to cover defined by competency.

Rota and Leave Arrangements

Resident doctors rota’s are organised to meet EWTD regulations and New Deal requirements to try to provide safe levels of cover for the patients for each firm. Rotas have been allocated more leave than you are allowed to take to ensure  annual leave (and study leave for SHOs) are taken during these times. You will have to obtain permission from your Consultant and complete a form for the weeks of leave you wish to take. Annual leave entitlement for each grade of staff can be found within the General Terms and Conditions of Service for all Medical and Dental Staff located at NHS Employers

Monitoring Arrangements

The Trust is contractually obliged to monitor resident doctors’ New Deal compliance and the application of the banding system, through robust local monitoring arrangements supported by national guidance. The system is an online software product called MRM.


If you choose to reside in hospital accommodation (married or single) the appropriate deduction from your salary will be made in line with your agreement.

For further information regarding accommodation onsite at the hospital, please visit the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital Accommodation Office Accommodation Office or for offsite Accommodation, please visit Wildheart

If you purchase private accommodation, you may be eligible to reimbursement of removal and associated expenses subject to the prior written agreement of the Trust within three months of commencing in post.

It is your responsibility to ensure that when on non resident on call you will be available by telephone and able to reach the hospital in time to meet your clinical commitments within 30 minutes.

F1 /F2 teaching

There are various resident doctor training schedules within the Trust on any given day of the week including the compulsory F1 and F2 teaching which takes place on Tuesday afternoons between 14.00 – 16.00 hours.

Visit the Education Centre’s department pages to view available sessions and more teaching options. Postgraduate Education or contact them at

Clinical Demonstrations

Most Tuesday mornings there is a meeting in the Benjamin Gooch Lecture Theatre at 08.30 arranged by the Education Centre. On the second Tuesday of each month there is a M&M meeting which starts at the earlier time of 08.00. All staff are expected to attend. A record of attendance is kept.

Pay Circulars

Available from NHS Employers

Drs Mess Joining Fee

Joining fee is currently £7.50 (May 2011) please contact for a list of activities etc.

Payment of Salary

Individual pay arrangements are detailed in the Principal Statement. Payment is in arrears by credit transfer to either a bank or building society account. All staff are paid monthly on the 25th of each month or the preceding Friday when the 25th falls over a weekend.

NHS Pension Scheme

Upon appointment you will automatically be contracted out of the Social Security Pensions Act 1975 and become a member of the NHS Pension Scheme. Further details are available from the NHS Pensions website www.pensions.nhsbsa.nhs. Should you wish to opt out of this scheme you need to complete Form SD502 which is available from your department

Payment of Expenses

On occasions when duties are undertaken which result in travelling or other costs being incurred, the employee will be reimbursed at the current rates. Details of current mileage and subsistence rates are available on the Trust Intranet or from the Human Resources Department. All claims need to be submitted within a period of 3 months from the time the expenses were incurred