Contacting us

NNUH: 01603 286286

Cromer Hospital: 01263 513571

Changing or cancelling your hospital appointment

If you need to change or cancel your hospital appointment, please contact the department or speciality direct. If you do not have their direct number, switchboard can be contacted on 01603 286286.

Questions or concerns about my own or my relative’s care

If you have questions or concerns about your own care or that of a relative, we suggest you contact the clinician responsible (consultant, ward sister, matron etc)  or the department in the first instance via:

Switchboard  01603 286286

If you are unable to resolve your question or concern via the department or clinician involved then further assistance can be sought from  the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01603 289036 or

For more information about the service provided by PALs visit the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) page.

Lost Property

Office Hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday

01603 286803

If you’re making an enquiry for lost property following an outpatient appointment, or on behalf of someone who is currently an inpatient on a ward in the hospital, please contact the staff on the unit, who will make the initial searches to locate the missing effects.

For all other lost property enquiries Patient Services has a Lost Property Officer, who will take a description of your missing property and check the details against items which are handed in from the general public and staff. They will make enquiries to locate the property on your behalf.

Formal complaints

We’re committed to looking at ways to improve the service we provide you and you can help us by telling us what you think of our service, good or bad. To make a formal complaint:

01603 289686 or 01603 289684

For more information visit the complaints page.


To send a compliment to a member of staff or team please email

Clinical Elective enquiries for Non UEA Students

To enquire about Clinical Electives if you are a Non UEA student email

Work experience enquiries

We accept work experience requests. Find out more about the work experience opportunities.

Freedom of Information (FOI) Act requests

To submit an FOI request please email

For more information visit the Freedom of Information page.

Fundraising enquiries

We’re incredibly grateful for the support we receive from the local community. Donations to our N&N Hospitals Charity are used in many ways, such as funding toys on our children’s wards to life saving equipment for various departments or wards. There are many ways to get involved in fundraising:

01603 287107


For more information about our charity or ideas about how you can support us, please visit the N&N Hospitals Charity website.

Volunteering enquiries

If you are interested in volunteering please see our Voluntary Services section on this website

01603 286060

Account enquiries

Invoices to be sent to:

Invoice Queries need to be submitted on a contact form

Finance Department
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Colney Lane