Patient Transport Services

What are non-emergency Patient Transport Services (PTS)?

Non-emergency patient transport services, known as PTS, are typified by the non-urgent, planned, transportation of patients with a medical need for transport to and from a premises providing NHS healthcare and between NHS healthcare providers. This encompass’ a wide range of vehicle types and levels of care consistent with the patients’ medical needs.

Who is eligible for PTS?

Eligible patients are those:

  • Where the medical condition of the patient is such that they require the skills or support of PTS staff on/after the journey and/or where it would be detrimental to the patient’s condition or recovery if they were to travel by other means.
  • Where the patient’s medical condition impacts on their mobility to such an extent that they would be unable to access healthcare and/or it would be detrimental to the patient’s condition or recovery to travel by other means
  • Children attending NHS appointments with their parent or guardian
  • Persons who need to attend regular Dialysis and Cancer Treatment

PTS could also be provided to a patient’s escort or carer where their particular skills and/or support are needed e.g. this might be appropriate for those accompanying a person with a physical or mental incapacity, vulnerable adults or to act as a translator. This would need to be agreed in advance, when transport is booked.

Who supplies non-emergency patient transport service?

The NHS Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service for Norfolk and Waveney is provided by HTG-UK (Health Transportation Group-UK), which started providing this service on 1 October 2024.

Suffolk is provided by the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST).

Patients and carers in Norfolk can book journeys via the HTG-UK Booking Line on: 0345 241 3012   Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

HTG-UK Patient Leaflet

Patient Transport Service poster

An eligibility criteria will be applied in accordance with the NHS eligibility Framework (

Further information about HTG-UK service can be found:

What to expect from HTG-UK Transport

We will collect you from your residence – we ask you to be prepared a couple of hours prior to your appointment time; we aim to collect you with enough time to get you to the appointment on-time.

Before beginning the journey, staff will ensure you have everything you need, including your keys, and that the door is locked where necessary.

Staff are trained to provide assistance throughout your journey, if you require it, and will escort you to the department.

If you take medication for any condition this should be brought with you; you should also consider bringing a snack and drink just in case you are delayed.

You will be returned to your residence after your treatment/appointment and the staff will ensure that you are safely inside before leaving you.

Pre-booked transport for all appointments has specific targets as per the contract and we always aim to achieve these.

It is the responsibility of the facility that you attend to make sure the booking office are informed when you have finished your appointment.

Cancelling PTS

If you no longer require PTS which you have booked or your appointment is cancelled or re-scheduled, always inform the provider you have booked with. PTS is a valuable resource and transport not cancelled could have been used for someone else.

Not eligible for PTS?

PTS eligibility has not been extended to include patients who do not fit the criteria outlined above e.g. those who have a social need for transport. Below is information about alternatives to PTS.

Community Car Schemes

There are a number of Community Car Schemes which bring patients to the hospital, they charge a mileage fee which is much less than taxi fares.

Transport Plus is a community car scheme that covers most of Norfolk.

You can see more information about the criteria, plus information about other more local schemes and the flexi bus service at:

or telephone:  0344 800 8020

This is now Travel Norfolk car scheme and this is the link to the NCC website:

Travel Norfolk car scheme – Norfolk County Council

Help with Travel Costs

Do you need help with travel costs? If you are not eligible for transport, you may be eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses if you are receiving certain benefits. Find out more: help-with-healthcare-travel-costs-scheme