Safeguarding Children

The Norfolk and Norwich University NHS Foundation Trust is committed to ensuring that it has in place systems to safeguard the welfare of all children. This includes working in partnership with other agencies and organisations to ensure we provide care that is safe and that we are adept at proactively identifying children and young people who are at risk of abuse or neglect.

Some of the measures we have in place to ensure this include:

  • Child protection policies and systems which work in partnership with our key local stakeholders. These are systematically reviewed to ensure they meet national guidance and recommendations resulting from both legislative guidance and are informed by the learning identified in serious case reviews. This is part of the Trust’s commitment to ensure continuous improvement in its processes to protect children and young people.
  • Processes to follow up missed outpatient appointments which include flagging up where there are specific concerns about the safety and welfare of vulnerable children and young people.
  • Child protection training for all staff in line with national guidance.
  • Named professionals with clear roles and responsibilities for supporting the safeguarding agenda.
  • Board level executive leadership for safeguarding is provided by the Director of Nursing who reports directly to the board on any concerns within the Trust. A programme of audit to provide assurance around safeguarding processes is also in place and regular reports are reviewed within the Trust’s governance committee structures.
  • Safeguarding procedures within Accident and Emergency are clearly set out within the Trust’s safeguarding policy and further enhanced with department specific guidance.

If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse dial 101 to speak to the police.

Always phone 999 in an emergency.

For general advice, or if you are unsure who to call in the hospital, please contact: Kim Goodby, Safeguarding  Children’s Trust Lead named nurse  on 01603 286300 or Tina Chuma Safeguarding  Children’s Trust Deputy Lead named nurse  on 01603 286914


Related Links

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board:

NICE Clinical Guideline – When to Suspect Child Maltreatment:

Working Together to Safeguard Children: