Complaints Procedure Questionnaire

The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust endeavours to provide the highest possible standard of care to all it’s patients. We invite feedback from users of the Trust’s services, whether that is good or bad. In this way we can monitor the service that we provide and, where possible, identify ways that it may be improved. With this in mind we would be grateful if you would take a few moments to answer the questions set out below.

    1. Making Your Complaint

    a) Once you decided to make a complaint, did you have any difficulty in finding out how to go about it? YesNo

    b) If you did encounter some difficulty please detail the difficulty below:

    2. The Complaints Process

    a) Did you receive an acknowledgment to your complaint in a timely fashion? YesNo

    b) Did this explain in a clear way the process that was going to be followed? YesNo

    c) Did you receive a response to your complaint in a timely fashion? YesNo

    d) Would you have liked any additional information during the investigation? YesNo

    e) Do you think the process is suitably customer focused? YesNo

    3. The Trust's Response To Your Complaint

    a) Do you feel that the concerns you raised were properly 'listened to'? YesNo

    b) In relation to the outcome of your complaint, are you

    c) Bearing in mind the outcome, do you consider your complaint was

    Worthwhile (e.g. likely to have helped others to avoid similar experiences)

    Useful (e.g. I learnt information of which I was not aware)

    Futile (e.g. It achieved nothing)

    d) It is the Trust's policy that patients, relatives and carers can complain without fear that they will be penalised for making a complaint. If you feel that you have been discriminated against because you made a complaint or if you consider that your care/treatment was negatively affected because you made a complaint, please provide details in the box below

    e) Regardless of the actual outcome of your complaint it would be very helpful if you shared with the Hospital what you originally hoped to achieve by making the complaint.

    Please select all that apply

    Other achievement hoped for - please specify here

    4. Any Further Comments

    If you have any further comments that we may find useful please write them below

    5. Complaint Refererence

    Please enter the reference number of your complaint (i.e. DT.17.0123) so that we can match this up with the file should any further action be required.