Equality and Diversity

The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Trust is committed to providing equal opportunity to all users of our services and our employees whilst recognising we each have our own diverse needs.

Here at the NNUH we understand the benefits of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion to both our service users and staff.

Our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion cannot be separated from our PRIDE values and behaviours, which recognise the important role  of our people in providing positive experiences for service users. For our workforce, the principle of ‘Know Your Staff’ (our compassionate and just approach to people management) is integral to leadership and embraces equality, diversity and inclusivity.

We are proud to have a Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network, a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, + (LGBT+) Staff Network and a Diverse Ability Staff Network. Our staff networks enable staff to play a vital role to play in making out hospital a better place to work and contribute to creating an even better staff and patient experience.

For more information or if you have an enquiry or comment that impacts the Trust’s staff or service users which you would like to raise then, please email us at EqualityandDiversity@nnuh.nhs.uk




You can view the Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Overview, Goals and Objectives.

You can view of the Trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Workforce focused Action Plan. Please note; our Workforce Focused Action Plan incorporates WRES, WDES and EDS2 action plan.

Gender Pay Gap Report

You can view the Trust’s Gender Pay Gap Report here

Workforce Race Equality Standard

The Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) is the means of helping the NHS as a whole to improve its performance on workforce race equality. The WRES has nine indicators which highlight any differences between the experience and treatment of white staff and BAME staff with a view to help organisations close the gaps.

The WRES is a mandatory requirement embedded within the NHS Contract to ensure effective collection, analysis and use of workforce data to address the under-representation of Black Minority Ethnic (BME) staff across the NHS. It requires the Trust to demonstrate progress against the nine indicators specifically focused at Race equality.

The WRES has clear links with the Equality Delivery System EDS2.

Read our annual data of the Workforce Race Equality Standard.

Read our annual report of the Workforce Race Equality Standard, which explains the data in more detail and our proposed actions.

Workforce Disability Equality Standard

The Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) is a data-based standard that uses a series of measures to help improve the experiences of Disabled staff in the NHS. The ten evidence based metrics will enable NHS organisations to compare the reported outcomes and experiences of Disabled staff with non-disabled staff.

Read our Annual data of the Workforce Disability Equality Standard.

Read our annual report of the Workforce Disability Equality Standard, which explains the data in more detail and our proposed actions.