Pandemic Flu infection control factsheet
Influenza is highly infectious, spreading from person to person by coughing or sneezing
Transmission may also occur through hand contact with contaminated surfaces, for example, door handles, and indirect contact with infectious respiratory secretions
People are likely to be infectious from just before symptoms develop until four to five days after the onset of symptoms for adults; children tend to be infectious for much longer
The incubation period is normally two to three days
Influenza may spread rapidly in crowded conditions and among people in enclosed communities especially where the residents are particularly vulnerable, such as long stay residential care
- People should be advised to remain at home when sick especially if they have a cough and a fever
Taking medicines to alleviate influenza symptoms and drinking plenty of fluids will speed recovery
What people can do to help slow the spread of disease and protect themselves
- Cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing
- Use tissues to blow the nose and dispose of the tissues by bagging and binning
- Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water especially after coming in from outside
Source: Department of Health