Thoracic Surgery

The Thoracic Surgical Unit provides surgical services to a population approaching 1.25 million.

The unit offers weekly outpatient services to patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital at King’s Lynn, the James Paget Hospital at Gorleston and the Ipswich Hospital.

The unit consists of four Consultant Cardiothoracic surgeons Waldemar Bartosik, Jakub Kadlec, Vasileios Kouritas and Mr Bartlomiej Szafron supported by one secretary, two Specialist Nurses and the Nursing staff on Docking Ward.

Other members of staff directly involved with thoracic patients include a dietitian, occupational therapist and physiotherapist.

The unit has strong links with the University of East Anglia.

Aspects of work include surgical procedures to diagnose and treat lung, pleural and tracheal cancers as well as benign chest conditions.

Also, a number of “keyhole” (thoracoscopic) procedures are undertaken in the unit to diagnose and treat symptoms for lung diseases and lung cancers. This technique is also used to treat excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis) , visit hyperhydrosisuk and to correct chest wall deformities such as via the NUSS procedure or modified Ravitch procedure, please see link for UK Pectus.

Aspects of work include surgical procedures to diagnose and treat lung, pleural and tracheal cancers, stenting and laser procedures as well as benign chest conditions.