NNUH top in the south of England for its Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Centre


Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) has been named as top in the South of the UK and in the top three in the country in the National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit 2016 for its 90 day mortality rate.

The national data, published today on World Cancer Day on the Health and Social care information website, shows that patients treated at NNUH (between 1 April 2012 and 31 March 2013) has one of the lowest 30 day mortality rates (0.7%)  and in the top three for 90 day mortality rates (1.3%) compared with every major cancer centre in the country.  In addition, NNUH has low operative complications and the shortest length of hospital stay (8 days) after major complex operations for cancer of the oesophagus (gullet) and stomach.

The unit is one of the few in Europe to perform totally minimally invasive oesophagectomy whereby the entire operation is done by keyhole surgery (laparoscopic and thoracoscopic oesophagectomy). The keyhole or laparoscopic surgery is less traumatic to the body allowing the patient to recover from a major complex cancer operation is significantly faster.

Mr Edward Cheong, Consultant Oesophago-gastric and Laparoscopic Surgeon, and Upper GI Cancer Lead said: “This is the result of the continuous hard work, dedication and commitment from the whole oesophago-gastric cancer team at the NNUH. The introduction of minimally invasive oesophagectomy surgery for the last four and half years has brought enormous benefits to our patients. In addition our enhanced recovery programme ensures that patients are active participants in their own recovery process.”

Oesophageal cancer is a very aggressive cancer that affects the oesophagus. The incidence of oesophageal cancer has risen by 500% in the last 4 decades. The incidence is rising faster than any other cancer in the Western world, and UK has the highest incidence in the world (Norfolk has the 5th highest incidence of oesophageal cancer in UK).

Peter Chapman, NNUH Medical Director commented: “The statistics illustrate the quality of medical staff we have at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and the care they offer for all cancers and these. We are proud of the work we do and it is pleasing to have independent recognition for the quality of our service.”

The National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit covers the quality of care given to patients with oesophageal and gastric (OG) cancer. The audit evaluates the process of care and the outcomes of treatment for all OG cancer patients, both curative and palliative.

The audit measures a number of things including; characteristics of patients; their cancers and treatment selection; patterns of care received by curative and palliative patients; short-term outcomes of both curative and palliative treatments; survival rates of patients; differences in survival rates by patient characteristics, cancer type and the treatments received and patients with oesophageal High-Grade Dysplasia (HGD).

Notes to editors

OG cancer Centre No. operations performed Mortality rate over 30 days Mortality rate over 90 days Avg length of stay
South Tees Hospital 143 0% 0.9% 11 days
Norfolk and Norwich University hospital 103 0.7% 1.3% 8 days
Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospital 282 0.6% 2.6% 12
Salford Royal Hospital 177 0.5% 3.4% 13
Great Weston Hospitals 12 0% 0% 12

The audit is managed as a partnership between a team of clinicians and audit experts from The Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain & Ireland (AUGIS), British Society of Gastroenterologists (BSG), The Clinical Effectiveness Unit at the Royal College of Surgeons of England and Health and Social Care Information Centre.
The National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) as part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP).

The audit is available at http://www.augis.org/outcomes-data-2015/

Mr Ed Cheong

Mr Ed Cheong

Thursday 4th of February 2016 10:42:10 AM