NNUH appoints new Medical Director

Professor Erika Denton, Medical Director.
After a nationwide recruitment search, Professor Erika Denton has been appointed as the new Medical Director at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Erika has been a consultant radiologist for 19 years at the Trust after joining it in 1999. Erika was appointed to the role of Associate Medical Director at NNUH in 2016 working across the local STP footprint, with UEA, to develop workforce and research strategies and in 2016 she was appointed to the role of Clinical Advisor in Imaging at NHS Improvement.
Her previous national roles from 2005 to date include National Clinical Lead, and subsequently National Clinical Director for Imaging at the Department of Health and from 2013 to 2016 National Clinical Director for Diagnostics at NHS England leading work across all aspects of imaging.
Mark Davies, Chief Executive at NNUH said: “I am delighted that Erika is joining the Executive team having been appointed to the role of Medical Director – her significant leadership experience and her clinical knowledge make Erika extremely well qualified for this role and I am sure that she will make an enormous contribution to the Trust’s journey of improvement.”
Professor Erika Denton said: “I am delighted to have been appointed as Medical Director. I am extremely proud to work at NNUH as I know how skilled, talented and caring our teams are. I am looking forward immensely to the role and working with the Board, the Executive team and all staff to further improve patient care and to make NNUH the best possible environment for staff, patients and our community.”