Norfolk Chef Richard Hughes to judge hospital baking competition
To celebrate the new series of the hit television series Great British Bake Off, budding bakers at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) are being invited to take part in their very own Cupcake Bake Off.
Top Norfolk Chef Richard Hughes (pictured above), who works with Serco at NNUH giving advice on food, will be judging the contest, with the cakes sold off at the end of the event and proceeds going to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospitals Charity.
And the chef director of The Assembly House Norwich and owner of the Richard Hughes Cookery School has donated a first prize of a private cookery lesson for two at the Assembly House.
The challenge is for each baker to present five of their finest cupcakes to be judged by Richard on 4 October.
The hospital has had a long-running special relationship with the Great British Bake Off following the appearance of the hospital’s very own nurse Kate Barmby in 2016.
Louise Cook, Head of Fundraising said: “We hope as many staff take part and have some fun – even if they are not regular bakers. We are delighted that Richard and our colleagues at SERCO are involved in this fun event.’’
Richard Hughes said, ‘The hospital charity and the NHS help so many different people and I am delighted to be involved in bringing a little bit of fun and some cooking activities to the hospital’