Two cancer charities working together to support Norfolk patients
The VOiCE campaign, part of the Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity, supports patients with gynaecological cancers and it is funding care boxes to use with patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The boxes are from breast cancer charity littlelifts, via their online shop.
The VOiCE stands for Vulva, Ovarian, Cervix, and Endometrial cancers and the specialist team at the N&N Hospital treats about 300 patients a year. These patients will benefit from the boxes which contain a range of items, such as fragrance free organic soap, herbal teas and body lotion. Treating gynaecological cancers can be complex and patients from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and James Paget University Hospital will be offered a ‘little lift’ to help them through the process.
Paula Canwell, Gynaecology Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist, says: “We’ve seen the difference the care boxes make to breast cancer patients and thought it was a great idea to fund boxes via the littlelifts online shop to support our gynaecology patients. Now our patients will receive the same littlelifts box, giving them a psychological boost during their difficult treatment regime.”
Oa Hackett, Founder of littlelifts says: “We work hard to fundraise and are proud to support breast cancer patients at the NNUH and James Paget University Hospital via our littlelifts boxes. Our online shop was launched in response to enquiries of individuals wanting to purchase a box for someone receiving treatment for a different type of cancer. We know our littlelifts boxes make a huge difference to people undergoing breast cancer treatment so we are delighted that gynaecology patients can now benefit from a littlelifts box thanks to The VOiCE which has ordered boxes via our online shop.”
For more information on the VOiCE campaign which supports patients with gynaecological cancers, go to: or for more information on little lifts, go to: