Confidence in medical and nursing teams rated highly in inpatient survey

Rachael Cocker, Interim Chief Nurse, says: “We are pleased about the increased response rate and would like to thank our local community for supporting us.

“This survey was taken at a time we were under pressure as a hospital and we are pleased to see that we did well on the issues that matter the most to patients.

“Patients rated us highly in saying they had confidence in the nursing and medical teams who were treating them.  Maintaining patient dignity was also rated highly along with care issues, such as making sure patients had enough to drink during their stay.

“Taken together with our monthly Friends and Family survey results which have seen a positive trend in recent months, the results give us a good picture of the care and treatment that patients are experiencing as inpatients.

“The results have also confirmed what we knew and the areas where we want to see an improvement.  Reducing noise at night and improving nutrition are key themes, plus a project to improve the information patients receive about the medicines they take home on discharge.

The national Adult Inpatient Survey is commissioned by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).