NHS Adult Inpatient Survey results

The annual NHS Adult Inpatient Survey has been published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which highlights areas where patient experience is best and areas where we can improve.

More than 550 NNUH patients took part in the 2021 survey, which looks at experiences of people who stayed at least one night in hospital. Overall, respondents rated their experience while they were in our hospital as 7.9 out of 10.

The results of the inpatient survey show that we are one of the highest ranked Trusts in the region for how patients rated care from doctors and there was a significant improvement in scores when patients were asked whether they were ever prevented from sleeping at night by noise from staff (from 7.2 to 8.2) and whether they were given any information about what they should or should not do after leaving hospital (from 7.0 to 7.8).

The survey found patient experience was best at our Trust in the following areas:

  • Equipment and adaptations in the home: hospital staff discussing if any equipment or home adaptations were needed when leaving hospital
  • Dietary needs or requirements: patients being offered food that met any dietary needs or requirements they had
  • Disturbance from hospital lighting: patients not being bothered at night by hospital lighting
  • Taking medication: patients being able to take medication they brought to hospital when needed

The results also highlighted some areas where patient experience could be enhanced and a number of improvement projects are underway, including recruiting to nurse and care support vacancies and additional family liaison officers to support contact and communication. Volunteers are also returning to the wards to ask patients about the quality of their care and experience as well as providing a wide range of support, activities and help at mealtimes as well as ensuring patients have access to ear plugs and other support to enhance a good night’s sleep.

Prof Nancy Fontaine, NNUH Chief Nurse, said: “Our positive results are testament to our NNUH staff giving their very best every day to ensure they can deliver the best inpatient care, amidst a backdrop of staff shortfalls and unprecedented demand for acute care.”

We continue to monitor patient experience on an ongoing basis and the feedback from this survey will go into the several improvement workstreams already underway at our Trust.

“We are working with our Patient Panel and patient and community groups through co-design, in order to improve the inpatient experience.”

Our Patient Engagement Team would be delighted to hear from people who want to get involved and help us make improvements – there are a number of ways to do this, including joining our Patient Panel. We especially want to hear from people with lived experience from less well heard groups, including those from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, LGBT communities and those with disabilities. Contact patient.experience@nnuh.nhs.uk to find out more.

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