Nurses celebrate 20 years at the hospital
Twenty-five nurses are celebrating their 20th anniversary of working at our hospital after joining the Trust at the beginning of our overseas recruitment programme.
The nurses joined our hospital in 2002 from the Philippines and work across medicine and surgical specialities.
They marked the anniversary on 6 September with a photo outside the hospital and the site of the old N&N, which was followed by a get-together with all their families.
Cherry Cubelo, Clinical Specialist in Spinal Care, said the move to Norfolk has been “positively life-changing.”
“Twenty years ago, we did not know each other and we came from different parts of the Philippines. We have formed friendships and our families are very close. We have a community here and a great support system.
“We have come far already and nursing patients has been embedded in our hearts,” she said.
“I want to congratulate and pay tribute to our nurses who relocated themselves and their families to Norfolk and who are celebrating an incredible 20 years working at our hospital,” said Prof Nancy Fontaine, Chief Nurse.
“They are an inspiration to us all, but particularly for our new nurses joining us and shows how we help to develop and progress careers at the hospital.”