Praise for NNUH maternity staff in national patient survey
Maternity staff at our Trust have been praised for their care and dedication following the publication of a national patient survey.
Almost 200 patients cared for by the NNUH maternity team took part in the 2022 Maternity Survey, which has been published by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) today (11 January).
The annual survey asks a range of questions to find out women’s experiences during their antenatal care, labour and postnatal care.
The latest survey, which took place in January and February 2022, saw improvements in scores to all questions about antenatal check-ups and nine out of ten respondents said they had confidence and trust in the staff caring for them during labour. A higher proportion of respondents said they were asked about their mental health at antenatal check-ups and knew who to contact if they needed mental health support after the birth.
NNUH has been ranked as one of the best in the region for responses to questions about antenatal check-ups, labour and birth, caring staff and postnatal care.
Our Maternity Services also scored better than most Trusts to three questions:
- During your pregnancy did midwives provide relevant information about feeding you baby
- Were you involved in the decision to be induced?
- If you contacted a midwifery or health visiting team, were you given the help you needed?
Prof Nancy Fontaine, NNUH Chief Nurse, said: “We are very grateful to all those who took part in the 2022 Maternity Survey and the results show how highly they rate the care they receive from our maternity services and the staff working within them. It is really pleasing to see improvements in the experiences of the women and their partners cared for by our maternity team. We have a strong relationship with our Norfolk and Norwich Maternity Voices Partnership, Patient Panel and community groups. We have been co-designing improvements across our maternity services and will continue to work to further improve the experience of our women and their partners.”
The 2022 Maternity Survey results can be viewed here https://www.cqc.org.uk/publication/surveys/maternity-survey-2022