Spotlight on: Adeola Ogunyebi, Virtual Ward Nurse
Adeola Ogunyebi is one of the nine nurses on the Virtual Ward which, since its launch in 2021, has helped patients continue their recovery at home while being carefully monitored remotely.
She previously worked in neuroscience, on Ingham Ward, and moved to the Virtual Ward two years ago because as she was fascinated by the idea of helping patients in the comfort of their homes by the use of technology.
“The most positive thing is to see families involved in the care of their loved ones,” she said. “It’s amazing to witness how quickly patients get back to being themselves once they’re home.”
Adeola, who joined NNUH three years ago from Nigeria, starts her working day at 7am with a handover.
This is followed by a team meeting where each patient is discussed to highlight those who need interventions more urgently.
Patients are contacted via phone or video calls – virtual ward rounds – and given advice and support and their temperature, pulse, blood pressure and oxygen saturation levels are checked remotely.
“Thanks to technology we’re able to see all the key indicators of a patient’s health at all times,” she added.
“Firstly, we always need to make sure they’re safe at home and those who need further investigations or examinations are booked in for appointments at the hospital.
“Of course, we don’t want patients to have to wait too long at the hospital so before bringing them in I check where there’s availability.”
After the ward round, Adeola speaks to patients and specialist colleagues, like the diabetic or respiratory nurses and consultants, to agree the next steps.
“If patients need extra medications or intravenous infusions, our Home team visits them.
“Some tell us they don’t want to leave as they feel they have built a very strong relationship with us and that we get to know them better than their own GP.
“If I was a patient I’d want to be looked after remotely so that I could be at home. The Virtual Ward has been a great innovation, it has provided me with a great learning and career opportunity, and it has helped many patients.
“I believe in the future there will be even more need for service like this one.”