Spotlight on: Vicky Braide, Integrated Discharge Team Service Lead
Vicky Braide, Integrated Discharge Team Service Lead, a matron level role, is responsible for managing our dedicated team helping make the process of returning home as smooth as possible for patients.
After four years training at the College of Medicine, part of the teaching hospital at the University of Lagos in Nigeria, and a year’s internship as part of the degree, Vicky became a fully-qualified physiotherapist and worked in the military, private sector and district general hospitals in Lagos before coming to the UK.
“I wanted to grow more and have opportunities for professional development so I came to work at the N&N in 2006,” she said. “It looked such a great place to live – rural and near the coast.
“It was a bit of a cultural shock when I first arrived here. I was the only black Physio and felt there weren’t many people who looked like me at the hospital. From the beginning, the teams and departments I worked in gave me a lot of support and that helped me to adjust. I was also a new mother and it took a little time to settle in, but my colleagues were great and there was always advice and support available from them.
“I’ve worked in a variety of roles since then, such as Clinical Lead Specialist, Physiotherapist in a re-ablement unit, Older People’s Medicine wards and Outpatient clinics. I’ve got to know the hospital really well and my knowledge clinically and professionally has broadened.
“I am incredibly motivated to be the best I can be – I’m also studying for Masters in Business Administration at the moment. I have always wanted to make a difference, and I’m very passionate about the quality of care, which includes the discharge process as a very important part of the patient’s journey with us.
“It’s about collaboration – the hospital can’t stand on its own, and we work with teams across the Trust, our partners in the community and with patients, families and carers. Planning someone’s discharge home at the point of admission is crucial so that it’s well thought through and as positive and smooth a process as possible.
“There’s a lot of work being done in diversity and inclusion here and that’s been great to see – I feel included and valued. Everyone is welcome here and it’s a great place to work.”