Swedish professor attends Oesophagogastric cancer team event

Our Oesophagogastric (OG) cancer team has hosted an inaugural grand annual audit focusing on oesophageal and gastric cancer surgery outcomes at NNUH and other topics in relation to OG cancer service development.

Professor Magnus Nilsson, Professor of Surgery from Karolinska Institute in Sweden, was guest of honour and provided an appraisal of the unit and delivered a keynote speech on novel intraperitoneal treatments for gastric cancer.

The event, which was held at Dunston Hall and funded by the N&N Hospitals Charity, was attended by members of the team from Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn as well as the James Paget University Hospital and other specialities all of whom have contributed to the success of the unit including the cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist team, critical care and anaesthetics, oncology, gastroenterology, radiology, pathology, theatres and ward staff, dietetics, Allied Health Professionals, senior management and administrators.

Two former patients representing the Oesophageal Patients Association also attended supporting the meeting and described the event as “informative and thought provoking.”

The OG research team, some of whom are in NIHR/UEA funded academic posts, also held a separate research presentation at the Quadram Institute on a number their projects giving them an opportunity to receive feedback from Prof Nilsson and set up future collaborations.

Professor Bhaskar Kumar, OG cancer lead for NNUH, said: “OG cancer surgery is only delivered in 38 units around England and Wales. It is crucial to our local population to deliver and maintain a high-quality service at NNUH for oesophageal and gastric cancer.

“As OG cancer lead, I am very grateful and privileged to work with such dedicated team members all of whom have contributed to the successful outcomes we have delivered over the years. Having gained support from the UEA for academic posts has also helped us establish ourselves within research. I am also very grateful to the N&N Hospitals charity team who always support our endeavours wholeheartedly. I wish to thank everyone involved for their part in helping to save so many lives.”

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