Name and Position

Professor David Broadway MB BS BSc(Hons) MD FRCOphth DO(RCS)

Contact Details

Main Telephone Number:01603 288373


Department page: Opthalmology

Sub-specialties : Management of glaucoma and glaucoma-related research
Cataract surgery

Special clinical interests : 1. Glaucoma (medical and surgical management).
2. Cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation with correction of pre-existing shortsight, longsight and/or astigmatism.

Secretary: Rosalynde Bliss

Research interests : Glaucoma

GMC Number: 3087305

Professional profile : Mr David Broadway trained at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London and The Eye Care Centre, Vancouver, Canada.

His Research (MD) was completed at the Institute of Ophthalmology in London and his Specialist Fellowship at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Mr Broadway performs in the order of 750 surgical or laser procedures each year.

His small-incision, no-stitch cataract surgery utilises state-of-the-art technology and is usually performed under topical anaesthetic. Pre-existing refractive errors (long-sightedness, short sightedness and astigmatism) are corrected at the time of cataract surgery and reduce the requirement for glasses following the operation.

The surgical procedures for glaucoma that Mr Broadway offers include trabeculectomy (with or without anti-wound healing drug augmentation), combined cataract and glaucoma filtration surgery (phako-trabeculectomy), drainage tube implantation, bleb needling, bleb revision, cyclodiode laser ciliary body ablation and laser iridotomy.

Mr Broadway carries out clinical glaucoma-related research (including the of running commercial clinical trials) at the NNUH and basic science research in the Department of Biological Science at UEA.

Mr Broadway is the primary fund-raiser and gate-keeper of The Norwich Glaucoma Research Fund.

Personal profile : His hobbies are sailing, ski-ing and driving. He is a member of the Norfolk Broads Yacht Club, The Ski Club of Great Britain and the Morgan Owners Sports Car Club.