Name and Position

Dr Emma Webb

Contact Details

Main Telephone Number:01603 286357


Department page: Jenny Lind Children’s Hospital

Position:  Paediatric Endocrine Consultant, Senior Lecturer UEA

Specialities: Endocrinology and diabetes,

Special Clinical Interests: Metabolic bone, Obesity, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypopituitarism

Research Interests: I am currently running the PREFER study which aims to improve the standardisation and availability of paediatric bone biomarkers. This study is being run in collaboration with Professor Fraser at the UEA.

I established the NIHR Achondroplasia Bioresource study, (Feb 2019 onwards); a portfolio adopted study which aims to characterise the genotype and phenotype of individuals with Achondroplasia.

I am the paediatric diabetes Network Research Lead (February 2020). I support all 15 clinical centres in our region with participating in research. Locally I am actively involved in recruiting patients into clinical trials. I am the local principal investigator for the USTEKID study. I am also a local investigator for the Innodia study.

I am actively involved in a national study looking at using next generation studies to improve the diagnosis and management of children with disorders of sex development. I co-authored a peer reviewed publication in Feb 2019.

  • Hughes LA, McKay-Bounford K, Webb EA et al. Next generation sequencing to improve the diagnosis and management of patients with disorders of sex development. Endocr Connect. 2019

I am a co-investigator on international disorders of sex development life study, funded by a Horizons 2020 grant.

  • Engels M, Gehrman K, Falhammar H, Webb EA et al. Gonadal Function in Adult Male Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Eur J Endocrinol. 2018 Mar;178(3):285-294
  • Mooij CF, Webb EA, Claahsen van der Grinten HL, Krone N. Cardiovascular health, growth and gonadal function in children and adolescents with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Arch Dis Child. 2017 Jun;102(6):578-584

Current Membership of Professional, National and Regional Bodies: RCPCH, BSPED, ESPE, BPAG

Universities and Degrees: MBBS, BSc, MRCPH, PhD

GMC Number: 6054253

Secretary: Caron Leftley

Professional Profile: Emma Webb graduated from Kings College London in 2002 having completed a BSc in endocrinology during her undergraduate training. She obtained her MRCPCH in 2005 after training in general paediatrics at Kings College Hospital and University College Hospital, London. She worked as a research fellow in South Africa where she conducted a large prevalence study to assess the risk of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and disease in the paediatric diabetic population (2006-2007). She completed her PhD in 2013, during which she developed a wide range of clinical and laboratory skills (e.g. diffusion tensor MRI, sleep data analysis, bioinformatics, PCR, cell culture, functional assays) all of which she has used to help to better understand the phenotype in endocrine disorders. She was awarded the highly prestigious Donald Paterson Prize by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK for her work on the effects of GHD on neurocognition. She worked as an Academic Clinical Lecturer at the University of Birmingham between 2014 and 2017. She obtained funding for studies looking at the neural impact of steroid hormones in children and adults. She was an International collaborator on the Chronocort and DSD life studies. She moved to Norwich in 2017 and was appointed as an honorary lecturer in March 2020.

Personal Profile: When not at work Emma enjoys spending time with her family, playing the cello, sailing and going for long walks.