Name and Position

Miss Fouzia Khatun
Orthopaedics and Trauma

Contact Details

Main Telephone Number:01603 286553


Department: Orthopaedics and Trauma

Secretary: Hannah Coombe

Specialities: Complex Trauma and Limb Reconstruction

Special Clinical Interests: Deformity correction, limb length discrepancy

Current Membership of Professional, National and Regional Bodies: Royal College of Surgeons (England), British Orthopaedic Association, British Limb Reconstruction Society, Orthopaedic Trauma Society

Universities and Degrees: Barts and the London Medical School, University of London (MBBS), QMUL, University of London (BSc Hons), Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS Trauma and Orthopaedics)

GMC Number: 7040897