Name and Position

Prof Ketan Dhatariya
Diabetes, Endocrinology & General Medicine

Contact Details

Main Telephone Number:01603 288170


Department page: Diabetes and endocrinology

Consultant diabetes, endocrinology and general medicine 

Specialities: Diabetes – in particular inpatient diabetes and the ‘diabetic foot’. Endocrinology

Special clinical interests: Foot problems in people with diabetes. He has co-authored several national guidelines in the management of hospital in-patients with diabetes.

Research interests: Hospital in-patients with diabetes          

Secretary: Cara Boam

GMC number: 3543346

Degrees & Universities: MBBS – 1991 – University of London (University College and Middlesex Hospitals Medical School); MRCP(UK) – 1994 – Royal College of Physicians of London; MSc Diabetes and Endocrinology (With Merit) – 1999 – University of London, MD – University of London, MS (Master of Biomedical Science and Clinical Research) – Mayo Graduate School, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA, FRCP – 2008 – Royal College of Physicians of London

Professional Expertise: After he finished his diabetes training in 2001 he went to do research in endocrinology at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA. He was appointed as a consultant in diabetes, endocrinology and general medicine and honorary senior lecturer at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital in 2004.  He is a full time clinician and his predominant areas of interest are inpatient diabetes and the ‘diabetic foot’. He leads one of the largest foot clinics in the East of England.

He has several national roles. He is currently on the steering group of the Joint British Diabetes Societies Inpatient Care Group where he has led or co-authored several national guidelines on the management of various aspects of inpatient diabetes care. He is the medical secretary for the Specialist Clinical Exam in Diabetes and Endocrinology. His is on the council of the diabetes and endocrine section of the Royal Society of Medicine.  Until 2014 has was been on the executive of the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists, and is currently still a committee member.

Prof Dhatariya has over 70 peer reviewed publications, and has published several book chapters on inpatient diabetes and others on the diabetic foot

Personal profile: Prof Dhatariya is married to Vasu, a pharmacist. They have two young children. He tries to practice what he preaches by running several miles a week, lifting weights and generally keeping fit. He enjoys all aspects of cinema and film, as well as reading. He tries to keep up to date with the medical literature by subscribing to several medical journals (although he tries to read them only after his children’s bedtime).

Because he is from North India, he speaks Hindi and Urdu fluently.