Name and Position
Professor Nick Levell MD FRCP MBAConsultants
Contact Details
Main Telephone Number:01603 288225Profile
Department page: Dermatology
Sub-speciality Medical Dermatology
Research interests : Clinical Research. Skin Cancer Epidemiology. Health Economics. Medical History.
Secretary: Katie Taylor
GMC number: 3054112
Current Membership of Professional, National and Regional Bodies:
British Association of Dermatologists: Honorary Treasurer and Officer 2022-25, Past President, Honorary Member and Charity Trustee
Dowling Club: President 2023-2024. Charity Trustee
British Society of Dermatology Surgery: Honorary Member.
British Society of Medical Dermatology: Past President and Honorary Member
UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network: Charity Trustee, Member of Executive Committee and Steering Group and Past Interim Chair.
British Society for Cutaneous Allergy: Member.
European Society for the history of Dermatovenereology: Member
Degrees & Universities: MBChB Manchester 1985, MRCP (UK) 1989, MD (Manchester) 1994, FRCP (London) 1999, MBA Open University 2001
Professional Profile: Nick works in Norwich as a consultant dermatologist on Mondays. He works for two days weekly for NHS England as the GIRFT National Clinical Lead for Dermatology with departments around England using data to reduce unwarranted variation in practice. He works for half a day weekly for the NIHR as Specialty National Lead for the Research Delivery Network developing dermatology research capacity in the UK and supporting delivery of a balanced portfolio or clinical research studies to support progress and innovation in health care. As Treasurer of the British Association of Dermatologists charity he works with the officer team to ensure that there are sufficient resources to deliver on its charitable objectives. Unfunded roles are as follows. He is a trustee of the UK Dermatology Clinical Trials (UKDCTN) network of over 1000 members, on its executive and steering group helping to develop high quality clinical research studies in the UK. Until July 2024,he is President of the Dowling Club, an educational charity with over 400 members delivering dermatology education for doctors. He is part of the Canadian Research Network C-NEST, developing a dermatology research network in Canada, bringing experience from the UKDCTN and NIHR to this role. He is an honorary Professor at University of East Anglia and supervises students and trainees doing dermatology research.
Personal profile:Nick enjoys most sports as a participant, but is less good at sitting still to watch them. He enjoys travel to climb, meet people and walk or swim amongst amazing scenery and wildlife.