Nick Hulme announced interim CEO
Nick Hulme, Chief Executive of East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) has been appointed as the interim Chief Executive at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (NNUH).
The appointment is from 14 August until February 2024 while NNUH seeks a permanent CEO. He will remain Chief Executive of ESNEFT during this time.
Tom Spink, NNUH Chair, says: “I am delighted to announce that we have appointed Nick Hulme as our interim CEO. Nick is a very experienced leader who has worked in large, complex organisations like ours and we look forward to welcoming him in a few weeks’ time.”
Nick Hulme says: “I am very much looking forward to meeting and working with colleagues at NNUH and getting to know more about the wider health and social care system in Norfolk and Waveney, to help improve how we care and treat patients.”
Nick Hulme has worked in the NHS for more than 40 years and is Chief Executive of East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust which includes Ipswich and Colchester Hospitals together with community services in east Suffolk and north east Essex. He is a Board member of NHS Providers which represents NHS Trusts throughout the country.