New appointment – Managing Director Palliative Care Provider Collaborative (Central Norfolk)

Palliative Care Consultant Dr Caroline Barry has taken up a new role that will drive the development of palliative care across organisations in Central Norfolk.

Caroline, who is the service director for palliative care at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH), will be providing leadership in a joint appointment as the managing director of the newly established Palliative Care Provider Collaborative, linking Norfolk Community Health and Care (NCH&C), Priscilla Bacon Hospice and NNUH.

The role will involve creating a framework of collaboration across existing services and leading the service developments needed to further improve patient and carer experience. It will also co-ordinate plans to maximise the opportunities afforded by the new purpose-built Priscilla Bacon Lodge, opening late summer 2023.

Caroline says: “It is a hugely exciting time to be taking on this role, which will encompass not just clinical services, but also how we further develop our education, training and research offer in palliative care across Norfolk.

“We know that we have work to do ensure that all people approaching the end of life can access the care they need in an equitable and sustainable way and I am looking forward to the opportunity of working more closely with colleagues from NCH&C, Priscilla Bacon Hospice Charity, and volunteers, alongside our own existing outstanding palliative care teams, to address these challenges”

Sandra Dinneen, Chair of the Collaborative added: “We already have a great sense of cross organisation working, and with Caroline at the helm we are confident that this will go from strength to strength driving forward the development and delivery of palliative care services and support across Central Norfolk.”

Caroline has been service director for palliative medicine at NNUH since 2020, and in that role oversaw the integration of medical teams across NNUH, PBL and community palliative care services in Norfolk. Alongside this role she will continue her work as co-director of the Norfolk Motor Neurone Disease Care and Research Network and new position as Honorary Clinical Associate Professor.

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