New cancer support and wellbeing sessions set to kick-off

A new series of cancer information and support sessions have been organised in collaboration with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and Delia’s Canary Catering at Norwich City Football Club.

The hospital has teamed up with Delia’s Canary Catering to offer Time For You sessions for people recently diagnosed with cancer.

The first will take place on 20 March between 9am and 1pm at Club 101, Norwich City Football Club, Carrow Road.

A further session will take place on Thursday 18 May between 1pm and 5pm.

Events for people at the end of their treatment will take place between 9am and 1pm on 18 April and between 1pm and 5pm on 16 June.

A wide range of health and wellbeing support will be available at the first session on 20 March, including yoga specialist, hand massage, dietary information, information about radiotherapy and chemotherapy, Norfolk County Council, Norfolk Mind, Macmillan benefits and Active Norfolk.

Refreshments and free parking are provided.

Jo Richardson, Lead Cancer Nurse at NNUH, said: “We are extremely grateful to Norwich City Football Club who have kindly donated us the use of their facilities to run our new Time For You sessions.”

“We are really pleased to be bringing together a host of health and wellbeing expertise at these events, in addition to the cancer information and support we offer at NNUH and Cromer and District Hospital.”

To book a place, visit or call 01603 647717/641559/ 647175.

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