The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has just announced the results of its latest governor elections where there were seats for five public governor positions. These covered Broadland, Breckland (two seats), North Norfolk, and King’s Lynn and
West Norfolk
The newly elected governors are Elaine Bailey for North Norfolk and Tim How for King’s Lynn and West Norfolk. Three existing governors were re-elected for a further three year term and they were Erica Betts and Nina Duddleston for Breckland and Jackie Hammond for Broadland.
Chairman of NNUH David White said: “We are delighted to welcome two new governors to our Council of Governors, as well as retaining some experienced governors who can offer valuable insights when we are making decisions about the future of our services. Governors have an important role in the organisation, ensuring that our hospitals are closely in tune with both our staff and the community we serve.”
All NHS Foundation Trusts have a Council of Governors and its role is to represent the interests of the members as services are shaped for the future.