​NNUH Virtual Ward Highly Commended at HSJ Awards

The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital’s Virtual Ward has been highly commended at the HSJ Awards 2022 for the Digitising Patient Care Award.

The 2022 event reflects the HSJ Awards’ 42-year heritage of sharing best practice, improving patient outcomes and celebrating better service – but most importantly, in providing a well-deserved thank you to the health and social care sector. With 1,040 entries across 25 categories, the awards applaud the “high-flyers” of healthcare excellence in both the NHS and its partners who strive to improve outcomes and services for both patients and staff alike.

Since the NNUH Virtual Ward launched at the beginning of 2021, more than 1,600 patients have used the service and more than 12,000 bed days have been saved at with a 98% patient satisfaction rating.

Ed Prosser-Snelling, Chief Digital Information Officer at NNUH, said: “This award in the Digitising Patient Care category is a massive achievement for our Digital Health team and the dedication of our staff on the ward. It marks a clear milestone is our journey towards becoming a high-achieving digital hospital.”

“The impact of being awarded Highly Commended at the 2022 HSJ Awards will really drive our team to build on this success and encourage us and our colleagues to keep exploring ways of improving outcomes and implementing new innovations to help enhance our future work.”

HSJ Editor Alastair McLellan adds; “I’d like to offer my congratulations to the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital on being Highly Commended in the Digitising Patient Care Award at this year’s HSJ Awards.”

“Our awards programme are not just a celebration of success stories but also a platform to shape the future of the NHS.  It is always so encouraging and heartening to see projects adapting, developing and improving their services with the vision of providing the very best in treatment and for their patients across the country.”

The winners and those highly commended were announced across 25 categories during the HSJ Awards ceremony held at Evolution London on November 17.

For more information on the HSJ Awards visit: https://awards.hsj.co.uk/