The nurse-led service helping patients with minor injuries this winter
Winter is traditionally a very busy time for the NHS, which is why it is important to access the right service for our healthcare needs first time.
The cold weather brings the risk of slips and trips and minor injuries, which can be dealt with by the nurse-led Cromer Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) at Cromer and District Hospital.
The service, which is supported by the x-ray department, is open seven days a week from 8am to 7.45pm for a range of minor injuries. On an average day there are two nurse practitioners and a senior healthcare assistant on duty at Cromer MIU.
Kath Downes, Emergency nurse practitioner, said: “This time of year, we see a lot of patients who have injured themselves as the nights get dark fast and when we get the first icy conditions of winter, we get lots of slips and there are several fractures and dislocations that we can manipulate and can refer patients to plastics or orthopaedics if they require further treatment.”
“We can treat children over the age of one and we usually see a rush of attendances after school and early evening for minor injuries.”
“Any illnesses, major trauma and long-term conditions need to be seen elsewhere and we’d always recommend patients phoning ahead by calling 01603 646230.”
Patients are required to wear a mask when coming to a healthcare setting.
Anyone with coronavirus symptoms, which includes a new continuous cough, high temperature or loss of taste or smell are advised to book a PCR test and contact NHS 111 first.
Cromer MIU can deal with the following injuries:
- Minor head injuries (with no loss of consciousness)
- Simple wounds
- Simple eye conditions, foreign body, corneal abrasions
- Minor burns
- Soft tissue injury
- Bites and stings, with no associated complications, or acute reaction
- Simple fractures
- Fingers that may be broken or dislocated
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