Procurement Pipeline

NNUH Procurement Pipeline

Listed below is a forward look of potential commercial activity above £2m in value that NNUH may progress in coming months and years.  It is a live pipeline that will be updated regularly.  Example of commercial activities would include the procurement of a contract or a framework, a call-off from a framework, a significant contract amendment or a contract extension.  Please note the pipeline may include future potential activity even if funding has not yet been secured.   Therefore there is no commitment or guarantee that any of the proposals listed will progress to contact award.  Tenders will published on the UK Government Contracts Finder or Find-a-Tender Service as may be required under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.

Some of the commercial activity listed may be progressed in collaboration with other organisations, for example Norfolk and Waveney Procurement Collaboration which is a partnership of all the NHS provider trusts in the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System.

To discuss any item on the pipeline please contact the NNUH procurement team at

NNUH Commercial Pipeline 2023