Antenatal Clinic

Booking visit & your antenatal visits

Your booking visit can be arranged via your GP’s surgery. You will be given a double appointment to meet your named midwife and complete your paperwork. We aim to complete your booking visit by your 12th week of pregnancy.

During this appointment a full medical history will be taken and your midwife will complete a booking form so that the hospital knows that you are pregnant. You will be able to discuss your choices regarding the blood tests that we offer for a full blood count, your blood group. We will also offer screening for HIV, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, Thalasaemia and Sickle Cell screening (FOQ). There will also be the opportunity to discuss and consent to  Screening for Down, Edwards and Patau syndromes

Your midwife will record your baseline observations including your BMI, blood pressure, if you smoke, your diet, your alcohol consumption, dental care, folic acid, and vitamin D. She will also discuss taking prescribed and non-prescribed drugs in pregnancy. Everyone is different so there may be other discussions that are personal to you. You may require more support from other health professionals.

Your booking appointment is an opportunity to tell your midwife or doctor if you’re in a vulnerable situation or if you need extra support. This could be due to domestic abuse or violence, sexual abuse or female genital mutilation.



You will be invited to come for an ultrasound scan to accurately date your pregnancy when you are about 12 weeks pregnant.. If you have requested screening for Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome this can be done at the same time if the Nuchal Translucency (NT) can be measured.This combines your scan with a blood test – you must have the blood test immediately after the scan to make sure the screening is as accurate as possible.

You may want to have a picture of your baby to take home. Pictures are currently £4 each – the paper they are printed on is very expensive and we ask that you have change as the photos are paid for via tokens from a machine that does not give change.


You will meet again with your midwife at your GP surgery. You can discuss and confirm your agreed due date following your scan. You can also discuss any maternity benefits or grants you may be entitled to. If you had blood taken at your booking visit your midwife will discuss and review your blood test results.

You will have your blood pressure recorded and your urine tested. If you are Rhesus negative (a negative blood group) then we will discuss an injection of a product called Anti-D. You may also require a glucose tolerance test (GTT) if there is a risk of you developing diabetes in your pregnancy.

 You may be booked for a quadruple test if applicable.


When you are approximately 20 weeks pregnant you will be invited for a routine fetal anomaly scan. This is an in-depth scan that checks the anatomy of your baby. The sonographer will look at your baby and wants to confirm that everything looks normal. They will check the baby’s organs, the arms and legs, the face and the placenta and fluid around the baby. They will also check the baby’s growth. If there is any doubt about your scan then you will be referred to the fetal medicine team for a more detailed scan

There may be an opportunity at this scan to find out if your baby is a boy or a girl – however this is not the purpose of the scan.


If this is your first baby then you will meet with your midwife again. You will be able to discuss your scan results. You will have a full antenatal assessment and the height of your uterus will be measured. Your midwife will discuss your baby’s movements with you and issues your Mat B1 form so you can book your maternity leave.


You will have another full antenatal assessment and your parent education classes will be booked. Your midwife will offer to check your full blood count so you can take extra iron if needed. You will be offered the Anti D injection if you are Rhesus negative. This injection cannot be given before you are 28 weeks but should not be given after 32 weeks. There are some circumstances where you may need this injection more than once.


If this is your first baby then you will meet again with your midwife for a full antenatal assessment. You will have the opportunity to discuss preparation for birth and your choice of birth environment.


You will have another full antenatal assessment and your midwife will book a home visit with you if you are planning a home birth. This will be arranged for when you are 36 weeks pregnant. You will be able to talk about labour, skin to skin contact, your birth plan and any worries or concerns you may have.


This appointment will be for another antenatal assessment and to confirm where you would like to give birth. You can talk to your midwife about childcare, transport, birthing support and any other questions you may have. You may be screened for MRSA if appropriate. This is a small swab taken from your groin (knicker line) & your nose.

Your midwife will check that your baby is head down and if there is any doubt as to which way he or she is facing then you will be invited to go to NNUH for a presentation scan. Sometimes these are done on delivery suite and sometimes in the scanning department.


You will have another full antenatal assessment and your midwife will discuss a membrane sweep with you. If this is your first baby then you will be offered a membrane sweep at your next appointment over 40 weeks.


If this is your first baby then you will meet with your midwife again this week. There will be another antenatal assessment and you will be offered a membrane sweep. Induction of labour (IOL) will also be discussed.


This will be your last antenatal appointment. There will be a full antenatal assessment and a membrane sweep if you wish. Your induction of labour will be booked for between 40+10 days and 40+14 days. Your induction will take place on Cley Ward or Delivery Suite.

Opening Times:

Monday 09:00 – 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 – 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 – 17:00
Thursday 09:00 – 17:00
Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Antenatal Clinic is situated in the West Outpatients on Level 3.

See a map of the hospital and car parks.

See details of how to get to the hospital by car.

How to find us

For details about how to find us, how to get here and information about accessibility (including images), please click on the icon below:


Tel; Antenatal Clinic 01603 286794