Prayers for those suffering around the world

A prayer for reconciliation in Iraq and Syria

God of history, witness of our struggles,

we pray for the divided people of Iraq and Syria.

As brother fights against brother,

we pray for those whose love of neighbour

has been destroyed in the bitterness of conflict.

May fear be submerged in compassion;

distrust be diluted by hope,

and a vision of peace illuminate darkened minds and hate-filled hearts.

We pray in the name of God who is One,

our source of light and love. Amen.

A prayer for refugees

Lord Jesus Christ, who in perfect love for humankind

chose to live as someone with nowhere to lay his head,

we pray for refugees in today’s world.

Grant them human help and friendship in their need,

the chance of a new beginning and the courage to take it,

and above all, an abiding faith in your love and care;

for your name’s sake. Amen.