At the Norfolk & Norwich NHS Foundation Trust we understand that leaving hospital can be a difficult time. We will provide you with the necessary support to return safely to your own home, or to move to alternative accommodation suitable to your care needs, as soon as you are ready to leave hospital.
The Doctors will identify when you no longer need to be in hospital for medical / surgical care. A number of other professionals may be involved in helping to arrange your discharge with you. This could include:
• Ward Nursing staff
• Specialist nurses
• Social Services
• Therapists (including Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Nutrition & Dietetics (Dietetics))
• Voluntary organisations (including Red Cross, Age UK)
• Community-based services (local NHS healthcare teams)
• Complex Discharge Team
The involvement of these professionals will depend on your specific needs and they will consider how to help you arrange your discharge to the most appropriate environment, with the appropriate level of help and support. These people are likely to be involved with your care prior to the Doctors saying you are well enough to leave hospital. This will enable discharge arrangements to be in place or in progress for the most appropriate time.