Newborn concerns

Newborn wellbeing

After the birth of your baby the community midwifery team will visit you at home the day after you and your baby have arrived at home. You will have the opportunity to discuss your baby’s wellbeing, feeding and behaviours at this visit. The Midwifery team will continue to support you after you have had your baby until they transfer you to the Health Visiting team at or before 28 days postnatal.

You can contact a midwife 24 hours a day following the birth if you have any questions or concerns about your baby’s wellbeing. Please find this contact number on your maternity record.

Help and treatment

These are some of the symptoms that may require additional advice and would recommend contacting your midwife: 

  • If you have concerns over your baby’s feeding
  • If your baby is not waking for feeds
  • Your baby has a dislike for being handled
  • Your baby’s cry has changed, and you cannot settle him/her in the usual way
  • Your baby’s breathing has changed, and they are:
    1. breathing rapidly or panting
    2. making a throaty noise while breathing
    3. finding it hard to get their breath and is sucking their stomach in under their ribs
  • Your baby is vomiting large amounts
  • Your baby’s vomit is green/yellow
  • Your baby’s vomit appears to be blood-stained
  • Your baby develops jaundice (becomes very yellow) especially if under 24 hours of age
  • Your baby develops a temperature. (Feels hot to the touch on the forehead back or chest and may feel clammy or sweaty).
  • If your baby’s colour changes and is blue, pale or blotchy in colour
  • If your baby is making jerky movements or his/her body is stiffening
  • If your baby is not responsive to you

If you feel your baby is “just not right”.
Don’t hesitate to dial 999 if you have serious concerns

Newborn Hearing Screening

External links and videos

NHS website: Is your baby or toddler seriously ill?

NHS website: newborn jaundice overview