Domiciliary Oxygen Therapy Service
What does the service do?
The service assesses patients who it is considered may benefit from oxygen at home.
People who are referred to the service will be seen either by a Consultant Respiratory Physician or by a Respiratory Nurse Specialist and assessed to determine whether oxygen is indicated and if so the correct oxygen prescription.
All patients started on home oxygen will be followed up and supported by a team of respiratory nurses, with hospital consultant support where required. We aim to see all patients at home within 4 weeks of starting home oxygen and then 6 monthly at home or in clinic.
Assessment and follow-up clinics are held at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital & Cromer Hospital.
Who is the service for?
This service is for adult patients referred to the service by their health care professional (hospital doctor, GP, practice nurse or other health professional).
Patients should have:
- A confirmed clinical diagnosis causing chronic hypoxaemia when clinically stable
- Resting saturations <92% on air measured with pulse oximetry
- Evidence of exercise induced desaturation of >4% to below 90% on air
How are patients referred to the service?
Referrals are accepted from health care professionals via letter.
Prescribing & ordering home oxygen
Oxygen is ordered for patients assessed by the home oxygen service on Part B of the Home Oxygen Order Form (HOOF). This form should only be used by the specialist assessment service.
Home oxygen can be ordered by non specialist clinicians on Part A of the HOOF in the following circumstances:
- Palliation of severe breathlessness in the presence of hypoxaemia <92% at end of life
- For trial management of cluster headaches (high flow 15 L/minute for 15 minutes via non-rebreathe mask)
- Temporary supply whilst awaiting assessment by the home oxygen service. Please discuss with home oxygen service first.
Additional information
- Primary care contracting website
- British Thoracic Society (2006) Clinical Guidelines for the Home Oxygen Service