Order FAQs


How often should we place an order?

Weekly would be ideal. The recent increase in demand for GP Minor Op packs has caused delays in completing orders. However, we are purchasing additional instruments to accommodate this and we hope to process most orders within a day or so in future.

How would you like us to place the orders – by phone or email?
An electronic order would be best for us. However, some customers are experiencing a problem placing electronic orders. When the “Email Order” button is clicked, the order is not attaching itself properly to an email. This appears to be a problem for those using the NHS Net email system rather than those using Outlook etc. While this problem is being investigated, you have two other options. You can save the order to your computer, open your email account and send it as an attachment to ssd@nnuh.nhs.uk.  This methods is preferable to a telephoned order.

How should we store the packs.

Out of direct sunlight in a clean, dry place (not next to the handwash basin).

How often do we need to return the used items to you?

At least every few days. If a grey box is full it should be returned via the next available ISS transport. Ideally instruments should be reprocessed immediately after use because blood etc. causes some deterioration to the stainless steel. In practice, this is not always possible but it would be wrong to have them hanging around for too long.

Do we have to rinse the instruments before we send then back?

No, just put them straight in the box and avoid any unnecessary handling of the contaminated instruments. We take care to protect ourselves from hazards associated with used instruments.

Do we get charged for every grey transport box that we use or is this a one off rental?

You get charged for every grey box. The reason is that they are expensive to buy and have to be decontaminated each time. However, they do fulfil the necessary requirements for transporting used instruments.

Can we obtain instruments which are not on the order sheet?

Only those instruments on the order sheet are available from us. However, if you have a requirement for a particular instrument or pack, please get in touch and make a request. If there is sufficient demand we may be able supply it in future.

Some of my order didn’t turn up. Will it be sent on later?

Yes, unless we have expressly stated on paperwork sent with your ‘part-delivery’ that you are required to reorder, the remaining items will be sent as a back order.

Questions for Customers

The 200500 Coil Insertion Pack currently contains a Luer (Lewer) or Schroeder single-toothed Vulsellum for holding the cervix – is this the preferred pattern of vulsellum or would users generally prefer a Teales vulsellum with a serrated jaw?


The 201100 G.P. Minor Op Pack contains a pair of Treves Toothed Dissecting Forceps – would users prefer to replace this instrument with a pair of toothed dissecting forceps with a finer tip – e.g. McIndoe or Adson Forceps?


Pack Contents (click on the links below)

200500 Coil Insertion
201100 G.P. Minor Op
201275 Hormone Implant Set
PRE402000 Mini Dressing Pack
PRE403800 Woundcare Pack Option 1
PRE403850 Woundcare Pack Option 2 with gloves

Instrument Returns

Please be aware that it is illegal to send contaminated instruments through the post. Instruments should be returned in a box provided by the SSD (800100 Box Rigid for Instrument Returns) using the approved nonpatient transport contractor. A box and cable tie (for sealing the box) will automatically be included with each requisition for reusable instruments.