Viewing Arrangements

Viewing Your Relative/Friend at the Funeral Directors Chapel of Rest

The majority of people prefer to view their relative when they are in the care of their chosen Funeral Director; just contact your Funeral Director to arrange this.

Arranging to See Your Relative/Friend Within the Hospital

Some people have the opportunity to see their relative in the ward/department where they have died. When this is not possible the majority of people prefer to view their relative when they are in the care of their chosen Funeral Director

It may be possible for you to attend the Mortuary viewing suite to view your relative/friend before their release to the Funeral Directors.

Please telephone the Mortuary personnel directly  to arrange a convenient time and date to attend.  Viewing is strictly by appointment only and normally arranged between 2pm – 4pm Monday – Friday. Outside normal opening hours there is an emergency service for viewing in exceptional circumstances. To request this emergency service contact the hospital switchboard and ask for the emergency on call mortuary technician.