Urology Clinics
One Stop Urology Clinic
Most patients referred to Urology will be seen in this clinic.
The Urology one stop diagnostic clinic is a new service improvement initiative. During your visit you will be assessed by a urology specialist Doctor and we will endeavour to perform any required diagnostic tests during your visit and give you the results at the end of the visit. This should minimise the wait for test and their results and give you as much information about your condition as possible during your visit.
If you do have tests in the clinic your visit may last up to 3 to 4 hours. You may wish to bring a companion with you.
Investigations usually available on the day include:
- Urinalysis
- Flow rate and bladder scan
- Ultrasound of the kidneys
- Flexible Cystoscopy
Please note, not all patients require all, if any, of the tests.
Location: Surgical outpatients, level 3, west block.
Clinic times:
- Tuesday 9am – 5.30pm (alternate weeks. The afternoon service is in Cromer)
- Wednesday 9am – 1pm
- Friday 9am – 1pm
Haematuria Clinic
This clinic is for patients who require investigation for visible blood in the urine. The clinic is run in a similar way to the one stop clinic with diagnostic tests undertaken during the visit to determine the cause for the bleeding.
Most patients attending will have:
- History and examination by the doctor
- Ultrasound of the Kidneys and bladder
- Flexible Cystoscopy to inspect the bladder
Location: Surgical outpatients, level 3, west block.
Clinic times:
- Wednesday 8.30am – 1pm
- Friday 1.30 – 5pm (alternate weeks)
PSA Clinic
This clinic is for patients who require investigations for an abnormal PSA blood test. This usually involves an examination and biopsy of the prostate. For more information view the prostate biopsy leaflet in the left hand column. Patients will be seen by a Urological Doctor as well as one of our Uro Oncology Nurse Specialists.
Location: Surgical outpatients, level 3, west block.
Clinic times: Tuesday 9am – 5pm
Follow up clinics
Each consultant within the department has their own follow up specialist clinics.
Monday pm –Miss Dunsford /Miss Doherty /Miss S Wood – Functional clinic
Monday – Mr Reddy – Prostate
Tuesday pm – Mr Finch – Stones
Wednesday pm –Mr E Ho / Mr R Mills – Uro oncology
Thursday am – Mr N Burgess / Mr S Irving /Mr Finch – Stones
Thursday pm – Mr Kumar / Professor Sethia / Mr Kaul Uro Oncology and Andrology
Friday pm – Mr Al-Kadhi – Uro Oncology
See a map of the hospital and car parks.
See details of how to get to the hospital by car.
Urology Clinics Tel; 01603 287275