Induction of Labour – Cley Ward
What we offer
The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) provides an Induction of Labour service for those who are recommended to do so. Labour is a natural process that usually starts on its own. Sometimes labour needs to be started artificially; this is called induction of labour.
This process is offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is carried out on Cley ward as an inpatient (remaining in the hospital from the beginning of the Induction until after the baby is born). The NNUH can also offer outpatient Induction of Labour for a small selection of women and birthing people who are deemed to have low risks (this involves attending Cley to commence the process and returning home await the start of labour). Discussion regarding the best method for you will be carried out in advance of your booked Induction of Labour.
It is very difficult to predict how long an induction of labour will take, this is because everyone react to the induction process differently. Some people may find they go into labour within 24 hours of starting the induction process however some may find this process takes a few days.
Further detailed information on what to expect with Induction of Labour is below via the Induction of labour patient information leaflet.
How do I make this choice?
Like all decisions in maternity care, the decision to proceed with an Induction of Labour should be made in partnership with your care providers and should consider your individual needs, wishes and circumstances as well as the most up to date evidence.
The NNUH recommends the use of the ‘BRAIN’ decision making tool to assist you to make the best decision for you. There is a link below.
Cley ward is located on Level 3, West Block at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital.
The nearest car parks are N and M. Entrance to Cley is via Blakeney ward and there is a telephone number located outside of Blakeney ward to allow access to the ward.
Contact details
Cley ward can be contacted on 01603 286165, 24 hours a day. For non-urgent queries about Induction of Cley ward please speak to your Community Midwife.