Planned Csection

What we offer

The Norfolk and Norwich maternity service provides a range of options for you to birth your baby, one of those is by Planned (Elective) Caesarean Section. Discussion and planning for this usually will take place in advance of the operating day. A preoperative day will be carried out on antenatal clinic where you will receive information, have some checks and tests performed and discuss your planned surgery.

The NNUH has 2 operating theatres located on the Delivery Suite, one of these is used to perform Elective (planned) Caesarean Section Birth. The Elective Caesarean Section Service is carried out Monday-Friday in daytime hours and there is a skilled team including Obstetric Doctors, Anaesthetist Doctors, Midwives, Operating Theatre team and support workers.

The theatre to perform the operation consists of an anaesthetic room which is used to insert spinal and epidurals (pain relief that is administered into your back), a fully functional operating theatre, a scrub room, and a recovery room. There is an additional operating theatre on Delivery Suite which is used when there are two theatre cases at once or emergency cases.

During your scheduled Caesarean birth, your journey will start on Blakeney ward and one birthing partner will accompany you in theatre and they will be required to wear theatre scrubs and a theatre cap. They will remain with you for the entire duration of your surgery and will accompany you and your baby into the adjoining recovery room where you will all remain until you are stable enough to return to Blakeney ward.

How do I make this choice?

If you choose to request a Caesarean Birth in your pregnancy, discuss it with your Midwife. If you are not already under the care of an Obstetrician, you will be referred to one who will explore your choice with you in an individualised discussion (seen information on Elective Caesarean).

There are circumstances where you will be offered an Elective Caesarean based on circumstances in your pregnancy or a previous pregnancy. You will be given an opportunity to discuss your options in your pregnancy.

There are also occasions where Caesarean Birth will be performed on an emergency basis, the NNUH is equipped to deal with these cases 24hrs a day, 7 days a week.


The Obstetric Theatre 1 & 2 are located on Delivery Suite which can be found in the West Block, Level 3, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

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