Student Information
Our Speech and Language Therapy department has regular liaison with the University of East Anglia Speech and Language Therapy course student placement co-ordinator.
We aim to provide high quality placements across all specialisms within the Speech and Language Therapy team, where appropriate. Our dynamic student placements provide a strong, supportive environment in which to gain the most from a range of learning experiences.
Student Experiences
We are able to offer a variety of learning experiences in the acute setting, allowing students to develop a range of skills with the adult population.
Previous students have been able to have practical or observational experiences within the following areas:
- Acute stroke unit
- Older People’s Medicine wards
- Respiratory ward
- Critical care complex
- ENT – Voice & Head and Neck Cancer
- Videofluoroscopy assessment
- FEES (Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing) assessment
- Using various AAC devices
Overall feedback from our previous students has been extremely positive. Students have commented on the warm welcome received, the range of patient groups, the learning experiences available to them, and the support given in the development of key skills.
If you are interested in a career in Speech and Language Therapy but have not yet applied for a course of study, please see the page on “Speech and Language Therapy as a Career” for further information and any current opportunities to find out more.