Services for in-patients


We aim to provide a tasty, varied and nutritious menu that will support your recovery.

Meals are served three times a day:

  • Breakfast: 7.30-9am
  • Lunch: 12-1.30pm
  • Supper: 5-6.30pm

Your lunch order will be taken each morning just after breakfast, and your supper order after lunch, by your ward catering team.

We also offer a selection of hot and cold beverages throughout the day and snacks are served mid-morning and afternoon with your drinks.

Special dietary needs

If you need a special diet for health, cultural or religious reasons, please tell our staff and they will be happy to ensure you’re given appropriate meals. As we aim to provide nutritionally-suitable meals, we cannot supply diets that go against best practice.

See our full menu.


Patients and visitors have access to the ward dayrooms, which also have free terrestrial TV.

Patient bedside entertainment

All patients have access to their own Hospedia (formerly Patientline) bedside entertainment system which includes a telephone, radio, TV and internet and e-mail facilities. The stations and facilities are subject to change.


Each bedside has a telephone to make and receive calls. Telephone card machines can be bought from dispensers at ward entrances. The system also has a loop system for the hard of hearing.

Patients do not pay for incoming telephone calls.

Calls cost 10p per minute (minimum charge 10p) to make bedside but anyone phoning you will be charged 49p per minute peak rate (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm) and 39p per minute off-peak (evenings and weekends).

Patients making outgoing calls to another landline are charged 10p a minute unless using one of the entertainment bundles (then all outgoing calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers are free and calls to all mobile networks cost 25p per minute when one of the TV bundles is activated) – see below.  All other times call charges are 60p per minute to all networks.

  • Free messaging service to inform friends and loved ones of contact details
  • Free personal answer phone facility
  • All calls to the operator are free.


Various packages are available including free telephone calls to 01, 02 and 03 numbers for the duration of your stay ask your Hospedia representative for details.

Free TV from 7am- 9pm on children’s wards only (games can be purchased for £1 for 24 hours).

Free Hospedia information channel

20 TV channels are available.

All radio stations are free at all times, including  Hospital Radio Norwich (HRN) (see below). You are welcome to use a personal audio player with headphones.


Games are free once a TV bundle is purchased on all wards (except children’s wards – see above).

National Patient Safety Agency Magazine ‘Please Ask’

The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA) launched a magazine called “Please Ask” to provide patients with information about what to expect before going into hospital. The magazine and website aim to enable patients to take a more active role in managing their own health and the confidence to ask healthcare staff questions about their treatment.

Patients’ library

The Norfolk County Library and Information Service provides a comprehensive selection of books, large print books and audio tapes. Volunteers from the St John Ambulance Library Service bring the library trolley to the wards.

Best Wishes

If you are a relative, carer or friend but are unable  to visit  you can send a best wishes message by contacting PALS.

Laundry services

We are unable to do personal items of laundry. Please ensure you have all the clothes you need for your stay and ask relatives or visitors to take any laundry home for you.

Hospital Radio Norwich (HRN)

Hospital Radio Norwich (HRN) HRN provides a befriending and entertainment service to patients and is based on site at the NNUH. HRN Broadcasts 24/7. For your request and/or visit telephone 01603 454585.

Personal property

We cannot accept responsibility for personal belongings or valuables. If you bring valuables into hospital please let the nurse in charge know and they can give you a receipt and the item/s will be kept safe.

Lost property

If you find any lost property, it should be handed in to our Patient Services office (between 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday) or to the member of staff at the West Atrium reception desk at other times.  If you have lost any property, please report it immediately to the nurse in charge.