UGI referrals

COVID-19 and Upper Gastro Intestinal Referrals

In these unprecedented times we are changing the way we work over the next few months and in particular who we see in an outpatient setting.
All referrals will be vetted using the following criteria:
• Gallstones – only patients with previous gallstone pancreatitis
cholangitis / jaundice – should be referred for ERCP /gastroenterology
or suspected gallbladder cancer / polyp>1cm in size – refer to Addenbrookes
• Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease for anti-reflux surgery: in the absence of a large paraoesophageal hernia these referrals should wait until further notice – applies more to gastro referrals
• Complex hiatal hernias (paraoesophageal rather than simple sliding) – referrals should continue due to the small but appreciable risk of volvulus / strangulation
• Suspected cancer referrals would continue according to the new / temporary 2WW criteria but CT proven cancer / mass / GISTs should be seen.
• Bariatric surgery related complications e.g. slipped gastric band, reflux post band, abdo pain after lap bypass needs to be referred to L&D regional bariatric centre.