Community Postnatal Care
What we offer
After the birth of your baby, the Community Midwifery team will continue to provide care either at your home or at a clinic, depending on what your needs or circumstances are.
You will receive care from a Midwife and Midwifery Care Assistants, they will offer guidance on feeding your baby, recovering from birth, and provide emotional and wellbeing support. Typically, your care will be transferred to the health visiting team at or before 28 days following the birth, this timeline will be tailored to your specific circumstances, after which your care will be managed by a health visitor or GP.
We hold community postnatal clinics regularly, which you can attend after your initial home visit. During your postnatal appointments, you will have the opportunity to discuss your birth experience and ask any questions you may have. Various checks will be offered to ensure your overall wellbeing and monitor your recovery progress. These checks may include assessing your vital signs such as blood pressure, pulse, and temperature, as well as ensuring your uterus is contracting properly and monitoring your bleeding following birth. The Midwife will also review any tears or wounds from a caesarean section, assess your bowel and bladder function, evaluate your mobility, and address any pain you may be experiencing. Additionally, they will assess the well-being and feeding of your baby, conduct weight checks, and screen for jaundice.
Your community team is available to provide ongoing support, offer advice, and assist you in planning and accessing other services if necessary.
How will I be referred?
Hospital Birth: Following the birth of your baby your midwife will inform your community team that you have been discharged home. Your team will aim to visit you later that day if it is very early or the following day.
Out of area birth: Following the birth of your baby the maternity team at the hospital you had your baby with will inform your local community team that you have been discharged home. Your team will aim to visit you later that day if it is very early or the following day.
Home Birth: Your midwife will inform your team that you have had your baby, and they will aim to visit you later that day if it is very early or the following day.
You will need to wait in for your midwife to arrive (if no one arrives by 3pm please contact your midwife via the number on your maternity notes).
Who will I see?
Your Community Midwifery team consists of Community Midwives and Midwifery Care Assistants. Whilst efforts are made for you to see the same midwife as much as possible in pregnancy, the Community Midwifery Service is not providing Continuity of Care teams at present.
In addition to this several midwives are available on the telephone to offer telephone support and advice when you have more urgent enquiries 24 hours a day.
When will I see the team?
All teams vary in when they offer home or clinic appointments, however in most cases your community team will come to see you in your home following discharge from hospital or following day after you have had your baby. The number of contacts you will have in the community will vary depending on what support you and your baby need, but you will usually receive a minimum of 4 visits. The first day after you have arrived home from hospital, Day 3, and Day 5 postnatal, and a Discharge appointment.
Home visits are usually offered for the first contact, your team will know you have been discharged from hospital and will plan to attend at some point that day, you will need to wait in for your midwife. Following this if all is well you may be invited to come to a postnatal clinic. Clinics are offered in a variety of locations in your area.
Contact details
To get in contact with your Midwifery team please use the number provided in your maternity record. This number is for contacting a midwife if you query needs handling before your next visit.